Heel pain is common problem, and is induced by variety of events. Causes of heel pain can be an injury sustained by a blow to the heel, frequent impacts to the heel such as running, dancing and so on. Heel pain relief can be provided in different ways. Seven ways to acquire heel pain relief are listed below.
1. Heel Pain Relief - Get good pair of shoes
Often the cause of pain is continuous exposure to poor footwear supports or having to walk on hard surfaces for prolonged periods. Best shoes to wear are the types designed by podiatrist. These are often visually no different to normal shoes but provide improved support for the foot.
2. Heel Pain Relief - Steer clear of actions which cause pain
Avoiding activities which produce the pain such as running or dancing will unquestionably provide heel pain relief.
3. Heel Pain Relief - Use Ice and Heat
Ice has been accepted to reduce inflammation. Utilize of ice pack with a towel or bottle with ice in it placed under the foot is two ways to apply ice packs. Whilst heat and cold are applied one after another, pain has been observed to ease pain. Apply ice for 5 minutes, followed by placing the foot into tub of hot water. Duplicate procedure 2 - 3 times.
4. Heel Pain Relief - Stretch the muscles
Here it is vital to stretch all the muscles. Moving up and down whilst standing on a step will stretch muscles close to the Achilles heel. Ensure the stretching is done first thing in the morning after waking up and keep the stretch for at least 30 seconds.
5. Heel Pain Relief -Wear shoe inserts
Shoe Inserts are typically designed by podiatrist to balance the foot pressure and hence remove some of the stress points. Inserts ought to be designed and supplied by the same podiatrist to make sure best fit.
6. Heel Pain Relief -Lose Weight
For Overweight people losing weight will automatically ease stress on the heel. In case of obesity, weight reductions will show significant improvement in pain management.
7. Heel Pain Relief -Use of anti inflammatory drugs
This is short period solution and ought to be used in conjunction with your doctor. The state of the heel should be reviewed after the medication has all been taken.