Candida is defined as a group of yeast-like fungi that live in moist areas of the body. Sometimes the candida, which is usually kept in check by beneficial bacteria in the body, can grow beyond a person's normal tolerance levels. It is heavy infections of candida in the stomach and intestines that can contribute to a wide range of different disorders.
In order to combat this problem, sufferers need to alter their diet to improve their health in this area. This is normally done over the course of three to six weeks. One of the most important steps in combating yeast infections is to alter your diet to deprive the yeast of sustenance. Certain foods need to be avoided or altogether eliminated from the diet like processed, sugary foods. These foods are almost designed to promote yeast growth. The most important foods to avoid are those containing yeasts and molds including some dairy products like cheese, and fermented foods. Food that is high in starch and alcoholic substances that break down into sugars should also be avoided in this diet as well.
It may seem like there are a lot of restrictions in the types of food someone can eat when they are adapting to a diet specifically designed to combat the over production of candida. However, you are in essence getting your body back to the basics of natural unprocessed foods that are truly what the body needs. There are a wide range of healthy and enjoyable foods that can be eaten while following such a diet. The diet calls for eating more vegetables and beans. You should also be eating more meats, eggs and whole grains. You can also include some helpful supplements in your diet. Such supplements can be found through your doctor or at your health food store. Some sufferers have found that "Probiotics", which are pills with live beneficial bacteria, help greatly in improving symptoms and can help in restoring a more normal balance with in the body between candida and helpful bacteria. A moderate exercise program can also help sufferers to improve their overall health as well as promoting weight loss. Many people who follow this diet say that they have increased energy and a lack of fatigue which makes exercise more possible and enjoyable and further aids in weight reduction. By making a conscious effort to maintain the health of the body through food intake your body will be healthier and many of the undesirable symptoms of yeast overgrowth will be gone. A diet that is designed to combat the overgrowth of candida can help start a person on a path to feeling healthy and well. It is truly imperative to adapt your body to a more healthy style of eating if the recurring yeast infections are to be defeated for life. This kind of diet can often alleviate symptoms of irritable bowel disease, migraines, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic ear infections, asthma, and attention deficit disorder by reducing the candida level within the body.