Hotel without charge Upgrades suggest that you have been allocated a higher room class by the hotel for a similar charge that you have paid at the time of your booking. There are numerous explanation why big hotels know how to offer you complimentary Upgrades as oppose to smaller ones.
Some corporate clientele have agreements with hotels that they can cancel up to 2pm on the day of arrival without being charged. Depending on how much business company clients provide to hotels they be able to still cancel following 2pm without penalty. A another class of travel agents labelled as Leisure Agents. They have clients who simply stays for a night or two, every so often, at the weekends. They even have agreements with hotels to hold accommodations between 24 and 48 hrs before hotels let go the allocated rooms and offer them to someone else.
Therefore, late cancellations and room releases would really alter the hotels bedroom inventories as well as sales on the night. If hotel has above 100-150 accommodations to put up for sale in a not"so busy day” after 2pm local time it is unlikely for hotels managers to sell each of the vacant accommodations let alone fill up the entire hotel! While standard accommodations are mainly affordable within the class, they mostly sold out very quickly. Hotels will offer higher type accommodations for a similar worth as the typical accommodations except occasionally they will not let you know this unless you ask. Hotel managers don't have any option except to lower rates than their competitors otherwise they could have plenty of “UNSOLD” rooms at the end of day. That won’t be good on the sales report the next day. Hotel managements will begin asking serious questions. Why hotel A as well as B rivals of same size to them has not as much of “UNSOLD” rooms. The certainty is that hotels will upgrade someone if every single one of the normal rooms are sold out and it might as well be you, right? This is likely one of the things hotels do to reduce the quantity of “unsold” bedrooms. Hotels may have a base discounted rate on which to put up for sale the accommodations equal if not, less than their competitors. The key goal of the hotel is to sell as many rooms as at the premier price possible. Sadly, there are lot of competion from small to large hotel chains both in domestic and intercontinental for your business. Smaller or boutique hotels will use similar tactics but the pressure seriously is not as big compare to larger ones. Keep in mind that upgrades may merely be available if you are trying to reserve accommodations outside hectic periods like school vacations, local events etc.