Social bookmarking paves the path for collaboration of links of interesting web pages and other web resources over the internet. While surfing the internet you might have come across many web pages and articles. Some of them were so interesting that you wished to save and remember. But saving and organizing all the content is not possible. Social bookmarking sites will let you set tags and bookmarks to article or any web content which you find interesting. On setting bookmark to the web resource you can easily refer to it later. You can search for it easily and share it with others.
There are many more features available than just bookmarking your favorite links. Your friends and other people with whom you have shared the link can post comments and add details to the link. They can also simply like or unlike the link with the thumbs up, thumbs down feature in a few social bookmarking website.
With the more advance technology many website allow users to bookmark in an informal way. Now you dont need to save links in traditional folder system anymore. You can add tags to bookmark them. These bookmarks can not only be shared but also the owner can control its visibility to unwanted public, friends and selected person. The number of bookmarks helps in the improvement of rank of the website in search engine optimization techniques.
The popular bookmarking sites also provide news feeds in which you get the details of various updates and new bookmarks of your friends. You can also enjoy services like post ratings and comments on bookmarks. You can import, export and email bookmarks from browsers, web annotation and other social networking features.
There are few limitations of this kind of age-based systems like the perspective of searching data as there is no standard structure of keywords. No standard is maintained for the layout of tags in terms of grammatical rules. Many wrong tagging occurs due to error in spellings.
Social bookmarking sites provide a good way to promote your business. Millions of people are involved in social bookmarking sites today. It is a simple and effective marketing strategy that can be implemented by business owners. The information that we can gather from these website do not come from search engines but from people themselves. Basically social bookmarking sites gather information in forms of article and blogs and then they are organized, stored, tagged and shared.
Social bookmarking sites also help in link building. You can submit the articles and put back links to your websites on them. This will create quality link and users will visit your websites increasing the number of hits. Even in these websites you need to submit quality articles having rich content and related keywords.
There are a number of good social bookmarking sites that offer great services to users across the globe which not only help them to tag interesting links but to share them with their friends to derive pleasure. As discussed above nowadays social bookmarking websites are used for marketing business, link building and storing webpages you cannot afford to lose.
Author Resource:
Jon Humphrey is the author of this article on Social Bookmarking Lists .
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