The current economy is making nearly everyone re evaluate their expenditures and look for ways to improve their bottom line. Profit margins are tighter than ever and every step in the right direction makes a difference. Many businesses may be surprised to learn that they can improve their bottom line with single stream recycling containers.
Single stream recycling refers to the most convenient recycling method available today: everything that is recyclable goes into the same recycling bin and is picked up and processed by a service provider. Recycling bins come in a variety of sizes and shapes and they can be customized to match your company s decor while reducing your trash expense and limiting the amount of material disposed of in landfills.
Garbage Is Expensive
Every business owner knows that garbage collection and disposal can become prohibitively expensive. Until recent years, there were no other options except to rent a dumpster and pay a garbage service for the removal of your trash. The environmental movement of the 1970s and the realization that landfill space is limited and that toxins seeping into the soil are less than desirable has lead to a boom in the recycling industry.
Business owners can take advantage of these new resource management options through the use of single stream recycling bins. Recycling programs cut your monthly trash expense significantly. Instead of paying to have recyclable materials thrown into landfills, business owners can install recycling containers within their facilities that will cut their garbage expenses significantly, improving their bottom line.
Turn The Tables On Trash
This shift in resource management has resulted in substantial savings for many businesses already. Virginia Mason Hospital in Seattle found that they reduced their garbage expense by $170,000 in the first year after installing recycling containers and implementing a recycling program. They also reduced their contributions to local landfills by 80 . Those numbers are significant for any business and the recycling program at Virginia Mason Hospital will only become more efficient and productive as patients and employees become more familiar with the new recycling containers and the program.
Garbage can turn from a liability to an asset with the simple implementation of single stream recycling containers in only a matter of days for businesses of all sizes. Single stream recycling companies are able to provide individual assessments of the contents of your current garbage flow to provide reliable predictions on the expected outcome of implementing such a program and installing recycling containers throughout your facility.
Convenience And Service
Single stream recycling containers incur far greater participation rates than item by item recycling bins, simply by being so convenient. Participants do not need to sort anything. Paper, plastic, and metal all go into the same recycling bin; the materials are then sorted at the processing plant. This added convenience and individualized service go a long way to reduce the garbage expense paid by your business each month.
Reduced garbage expenses and improved goodwill from your customers for being environmentally responsible will both go a long way to improve your company s bottom line and the overall health of our planet.