Sometimes you might need to gather certain photos for a special occasion. For example, a friend of yours might be getting married, so you want to gather a bunch of pictures of her single life that you have shared together. But when you can’t find duplicate photos on your computer, things can get frustrating. After all, when you want more than one photo of a certain event, you need to be able to find what you need without a lot of stress. Here are some ways you can find duplicate photos on your computer.
Use Your Computer’s Search Function
All computer systems have some sort of search function which can be used to find certain files, even to find duplicate photos. What you do is enter in a term which might be used to identify the similar files, then you wait for the results. However, the trouble with this sort of search is that it only works when the files have been labeled in some way. If the files have not been labeled, then the computer can not find what you need. Those who are highly organized and who take the time to label their photos by date or by subject are going to have the best results with this piece of advice.
Try Out Software Searches
Lately, software companies have come up with products which can search though the images to find duplicate photos – without the pictures being labeled. This saves a lot of time and effort as a simple photo comparison is used. You will just need to create some sort of parameters for the search, using the unique program and then wait for the program to run its course. At the end, you will be shown all of the duplicate photos which can then be labeled or deleted as you wish. These programs are generally inexpensive and easy enough for anyone to use.
Folder by Folder
However, if the searching and the software can’t help you find duplicate photos, then it’s time to look through your computer file by file. This is a very time consuming process and one which might make you frustrated in the end. You will want to look in your Photos folders first and then move to places like Documents and then to any other folder on any drive which might have contained your photos at some point. The good news is that most computers are getting better at arranging files for you, but when you have an older computer or you didn’t save things in a conventional way, this is going to be a difficult reminder that you need to be more organized.
You can find duplicate photos on your hard drive, but it can be a time consuming process, depending on how well your files are arranged. In the end, however, you can find those duplicate photos and use them for the project you have in mind – just don’t wait until the last minute to get started.