One of the most common mistakes that consumers do when using their respective credit cards is actually mismanaging their spending. It is true that most consumers now prefer spending using their credit cards. However, it is also true that such consumers also fall into the mistake of spending out of control. This situation usually leads to low credit scores, as well as being buried in a huge debt.
Remember that the last thing that any credit consumer wants to have is low credit scores. This would not only mean that you may already be trapped in a huge amount of debt. Worse, having low credit scores may also mean that you may have difficulties securing future loans. In this case, it is best when you have the capability of being able to know how to improve your credit score, and become an able credit manager.
In credit scoring, most of credit agencies actually make their scoring models secret from public knowledge. However, there are generally accepted facts that in fact determine any consumer s credit score. One of such factors is the actual amount of your debt.
One of the most common forms of financial mismanagement that American credit consumers do is overspending. Given the fact that by using credit cards, spending becomes more convenient, many consumers are tempted to spend beyond their respective credit limits. Worse, credit consumers may even accumulate such a large debt that they are forced to close their respective credit accounts.
How then does the amount of your debt affect credit scoring?
Obviously, it is the credit agencies who compute for your credit score. The reason why the amount of your debt is considered as an important factor to your respective credit report score is because it is one of the main indicators whether you are a responsible credit holder or not. Of course, when you are irresponsible enough that you accumulate such a huge amount of debt, in the end, credit agencies would deem you as a risky credit holder.
Basically, credit agencies take a close look into the total amount of the debt incurred; this includes the debt incurred on all of the different credit accounts that you hold. Remember that it is already common for consumers to have different credit accounts; some has credit mortgage accounts, some has department store cards, and some has auto credit accounts.
Whenever you are using a large percentage of your account limits, or worse, have spent beyond your credit limits, then this would naturally worry any credit agency. Therefore, it may spell lower credit scores for you. Remember that the higher percentage of the credit that you are spending, the nearer you are to default, which would prove costly for credit agencies.
Usually, the formula that different credit agencies would use in this case would be the percentage of your balance versus your credit limit. For example, when you have a credit limit of 3000, and have used 2700, then, the percentage would result to 90 . In this case, the lower the gap of your balance from your credit limit, or the lower the percentage, the higher your credit scores will be.
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