We agree that death is not the end. Then what is the end? Where does the soul travel after we burry the body in the graveyard? These questions are not yet answered completely. Exploring the spirit world is extremely enticing. We all love to talk and listen about spirits. About we also get scared when we our self come face to face with spirits. We are aware of some facts about the spirits like spirits never die and they continue their journey even after they leave the body. Our acts in the life time define our place after our demise. Good deeds result in the place in heaven and our bad acts will end us up in hell. These things are now considered to be facts because these things are understood by all.
The presence of spirits in our world is doubtful, not everybody agrees that spirits are existent. Just as the existence of god is doubted, spirit’s presence is not confirmed. People who had some experiences which are supernatural might recite stories which provide evidence to their existence. But all those who never had such supernatural experiences find it hard to believe the existence of such supernatural powers. It is quite fair as well, why a person believes that any such supernatural power is around when it is not affecting his day to day life. Angels, demons, good and bad are few things which are always doubted and are always surrounded with mystical thoughts.
There are people that believe in the existence of spirits and there are others who consider such stories as stupid. It is difficult to convince such people simply because they ask for proofs.
But people who had experiences of near death might provide some concrete proof of what happens to the person after death. All those who had such experience mention one thing that they observe some white light and they walk through it. But then they fall and suddenly open their eyes. This experience has been recited by all those people who had near death experience. Exploring the world of spirits sometime can prove life threatening because some bad spirits once called do not go back to their respective habitat. This creates problem for those who called those spirits. But whatever good or bad experiences a person might experience while peeking in this world; it always gives some insight proof of this dark world of spirits.
Psychic powers can come to your rescue in all types of situations. All persons have such powers in them from the birth time but we need to active these. We have heard about the third eye and our sixth sense. If we are able to activate these, we can see our future and a lot of other things that other people can not see. There are various psychic mediums that we can use. We can choose a medium that is suitable for us. It can be either physical or mental. We need some physical objects in the physical medium while our mind power is just enough for the mental medium. Thus we can explore the spirit world using our psychic powers.